On Sunday, March 13 I attended the Cressey Sports Performance: Spring Seminar (CSP-Jupiter), an event hosted at the Cressey Sports facility in Jupiter, FL.
Here are my take away points from the seminar:
- Neil Rampe (Head ATC for LA Dodgers) says to treat your evaluation like Mr. Potato Head… start with the torso and work your way out.
- “Ideal Alignment Facilitates Optimal Movement” –Shirley Sahrman
- Many athletes are actually stuck in extension and need thoracic flexion (evaluate each athlete individually)
- Causes of Butt wink:
a. Lack of core control (center of mass)
b. Poor ankle mobility
c. Bony Block (Cam/Pincer Deformity)
d. Hip Retroversion/Tibial Torsion forced into a neutral foot stance
e. Brutally Short Quads/Posterior hip musculature or capsule
f. Long Term aberrant neuromuscular patterning - Imbalances and compensation patterns exist in every single client you have
- “Explosive Control” Create –Transfer-Receive in reference to med. Ball drills. (Med ball drills are incredible for stability/motor control/rotational athletes)
- Training model must dictate business model
- Be a Role Model
- Take Pride in Educating (clients, others and fitness industry)
- Great marketing Book suggested by Pete Dupuis: Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World by Gary Vaynerchuk (Author)
- The mission is to create value more than just clients
- “Every time you get under the bar is Continuing Education” Tony Bonvechio
- Learning Styles: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic
- Internal/External Cues create an increase in motor control and muscle activation via studies from Wulf and Sahrman
- Know your client and their sport demands (Stu McGill also refers to this as part of his initial exam)
- “Pain sensitivity is a direct result of overloading the various anatomical parts of the spine with inappropriate movement.” –Dr. Stuart McGill
- Flexion vs Extension tolerant backs
- Lack of Femoral IR and Uncontrolled Femoral IR can lead to a barrage of knee problems
- Rarely is knee pain a knee problem (unless acute) ie: Limited Hip ROM/Ankle ROM
- Regular soft tissue early on can dramatically enhance program results.
- Clam Shells at CSP are used more for motor control than for reps or hypertrophy
- Breathe, Activate, Control and Load
- Train in pain free ROM or what is available.
- Be apart of a group that talks the talk and walks the walk
- Tony B. eluded to Nick Winkelman’s presentations on Internal/External Cues.